From the course: Management Tips

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A simple approach to personal ethics

A simple approach to personal ethics

From the course: Management Tips

A simple approach to personal ethics

- You know it's unfortunate, but we all face ethical dilemmas at work, that's not the question. The real question is do we handle them well? A lot of scholars and consultants have created useful models intended to help you in the face of ethical challenges. However, they often become overly detailed and theoretical. I'd like to offer you a very simple and very practical way to find productive answers the next time you face an ethical dilemma. First, I want you to consider the standards of behavior that are expected where you work. Maybe you've seen examples where others had to deal with similar situations. Ask yourself if there's a well-known precedent to consider, if so that's a good place to begin, but it's definitely not the end of your thinking. Now, we get to something even more important, your personal values. I want you to spend some time honestly articulating what it is you value in life. Research suggests one of the best tools you have when faced with ethical challenges is…
