From the course: Management Tips

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5 Phrases to Avoid

5 Phrases to Avoid

Sometimes success at work is all about knowing what to say. Other times, it's about knowing what not to say. Even good people sometimes say things that inadvertently hurt morale or productivity in the group. Start right now by thinking about these five common phrases to avoid. Steer clear of each of these and you'll be on your way to positive, productive conversation. First, that's not my job. We've all heard this one. Here's the issue. Even when it's technically true, it never inspires and it's never helpful. When you say, that's not my job, what you're really saying is, I'm here for me, not you and I can't be bothered with the needs of the team. If you don't have time to help someone, okay. Tell them you'll help them later. But don't dismiss them with, that's not my job. Or how about, we've tried that before. This is often a standard response when discussing a problem at work, and someone suggests a possible solution. It's a type of block people use to avoid the extra work…
