From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Use collaborative language

Use collaborative language

- I teach negotiation. When I assign people to do a negotiation exercise with one another, I introduce them to each other by saying, "Your partner is..." Now, I could say, "Your opponent is," or even, "You are paired with," but I choose partner. I've learned that when I use this phrase, my students come to better agreements. They more easily give and receive feedback from one another, and they feel better about the negotiation exercise. When humans talk, they use language to understand each other's views of the world. The way we talk to and about one another makes a difference in how we see one another. Your language tells other people how you feel about them and what kind of relationship you're seeking, and that's why it's so important to use collaborative communication. The goal here is to freely exchange ideas and information with the other person. In a collaborative conversation, we share insights and ask the other person for their thoughts. We debate rather than argue. Our goal…
