From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Set clear performance standards

Set clear performance standards

- One of the things I do as a human resource consultant is review performance appraisal forms. I saw one recently where managers were asked to evaluate people on professionalism and positive attitude. Phrases like that make me really frustrated. My client company was using really vague words to describe how people ought to behave. What does it mean to be professional? Well, that's different for someone working in a bank and someone working in manufacturing and what I think is professional might be really casual to you. Until they defined specific behaviors that demonstrated these traits in their workplace context, they didn't have clear performance standards. Moreover, they can't coach employees to help them get better if they can't define what they should be doing. As the manager, you can and should make performance objectives as clear as you can. Now, let's talk about how to set meaningful standards for good performance. Sometimes it's relatively simple to clarify your standards…
