From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Motivate others to action

Motivate others to action

- It should come as no surprise to you that money is the number one motivator of employee behavior. But do you know what is a close number two? Verbal praise from my supervisor. So let's take a look here at how tangible and intangible rewards work together to motivate people. With money, well, the rules are pretty simple. Expectancy theory tells us that monetary rewards will work when, first, I know what I'm supposed to do and I believe I can do it. Second, I see a connection between my work or my behavior and the money or reward. And third, that amount of money is sufficient to make a difference to me. Talking about money can be tricky, but the best way to feel confident about salary conversations is to understand your company's compensation system. How are salaries determined? What do employees do to earn a raise or a bonus? If your company uses salary ranges, what are the high and low points for your employee group? You also need to understand how your organization measures…
