From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Have difficult conversations

Have difficult conversations

- The comedian Rodney Dangerfield made a career out of saying, "I get no respect, no respect at all." (chuckles) He was a funny guy, but when you are a new supervisor, employees who don't respect you are no laughing matter. While some employees will openly challenge your authority, most of the time it's subtle. Insubordination or defying authority can look like someone being ambitious or a self-starter by making decisions, or committing the team's resources without you. A person who takes over your team meeting may say he's just trying to help, or maybe it's non-verbal, where the employee sits with their arms crossed and rolls their eyes when you lay out your vision for a project. The one that makes me cranky is when employees tell me what they're going to do, rather than asking. "I'm going to take next week off, see you on the 10th." Here's some tips to recalibrate those relationships. First in a private conversation, tell the employee why their behavior is a problem for the team…
