From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Embrace continuous learning

Embrace continuous learning

- Let me say it again. Congratulations. Becoming a manager is an important milestone in your career, and I hope we've provided some helpful tips to manage the transition. From changing your mindset to stopping on a dime, you have new strategies for the next few months as you get used to your new role, but let me leave you with a couple of practical tips. First, be disciplined about taking and organizing your notes for a while. You'll be slammed with information from all kinds of sources, and despite your best efforts and sharp mind, the details will get murky. Store detailed notes of meetings in your online calendar, or create a diary or set of searchable notes. Make the system easy for you to use so you can organize and retrieve information when you need it. And second, recognize that your learning doesn't stop once you figure out some details of your new assignment. In fact, for good leaders, learning never stops. One of the most exciting and challenging parts of being in charge is…
