From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Clarify performance metrics

Clarify performance metrics

- Frederick W. Smith, founder and chairman of the International Shipping Company, FedEx said that "A manager is not someone who can do the work better than their team. They're someone who can get the team to do better work than they can." When your performance as an individual contributor is evaluated, that's usually pretty straightforward. You have task related goals and key performance indicators or KPIs, and you're judged on how well you meet them, but your performance will be evaluated differently now that you're a manager, and unfortunately, the KPIs for management aren't always well defined by an organization. So my goal with this video is to introduce you to some of the most common criteria by which people leaders are evaluated. I call these the three Ps of evaluation, people, priorities, and profit. First, let's talk about people, generally, the evaluation criteria here fall into two buckets, some common metrics for your team, and how satisfied the team is with your…
