From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Balance consistency and individual concern

Balance consistency and individual concern

- I have two dogs. Etta and Peanut. I love them both a lot, and they love each other, but they can be very jealous. Each one is convinced that the other is getting more attention. We try to treat them equally, but the minute I start petting one of them, the other is right there demanding their share. Before you think this is just about dogs, understand that humans act the same way. Significant research shows the importance of organizational justice, or workers' perceptions of how fairly they're treated by their organization as a whole and by their individual manager. We can identify three kinds of organizational justice. Distributive justice, or the belief that people receive the same rewards for the same amount of work. If you work 40 hours a week and I only work 20, distributive justice says, you should make more money than me. Procedural justice, or the perception that everyone is subject to the same procedures. For example, workers want to know that the way work shifts are…
