From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Assert authority while being open to feedback

Assert authority while being open to feedback

- Think about the people who have power in your organization. Who is influential? Who gets things done? You probably thought first about people high in the organization's hierarchy. They have position power, or formal authority. Their power comes from control of rewards and punishments, or the ability to make big decisions. As an individual contributor, you likely relied on personal power. People complied with your requests because they saw you as hardworking and dedicated to the company, or they respected your knowledge and skill. Now you have this, plus position power. When you speak from the authority of an elevated position, people may comply just because you said so. Learning to balance both personal and positional power is hard and a lot of managers get it wrong. Author Vanessa Bohns writes that people chronically underestimate the influence they have over others, particularly when they are in management positions. On your first day as a manager, you likely don't look or feel…
