From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Articulate your vision of the future

Articulate your vision of the future

- In 2009, noted leadership authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner shared results of a survey, asking tens of thousands of working people, "What do you look for and admire in a leader?" Well, the number one trait was honesty, always an important personal attribute. But second most important was this: someone who was forward-looking. People want leaders who can, well, lead them. When the leader is clear and directive, group members have what we call psychological structure: workers who understand broader expectations and goals, they have context for their work, and so they're more productive and more satisfied. For new leaders, being directive can feel scary, but you need to know where your group is headed so you can guide them correctly. So how do you provide directive leadership? What are the best practices to communicate goals and vision for the future? Well, here's some tips. First, focus on the future. It's easy to point out things we don't like and want to change in the present…
