From the course: Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

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Align team output to business priorities

Align team output to business priorities

- What do you do when you have a problem with a computer or a printer at work? I am incredibly lucky. I can call my company's Information Technology group, or IT. Whether my problem is big like a broken machine, or small, like a forgotten password, these professionals fix the issue so I can stay productive. IT groups are a classic example of internal customer service. The website defines internal customer service as the ways in which some employees and teams help other employees and teams within the organization do their jobs and achieve their goals. But whether they are inside or outside of your organization, your work group has customers. Everyone does. These are the people who rely on the products, information, or services that you create. You goal should be to meet their needs as efficiently and effectively as you can. For example, if a report you generate is hard for someone to read, your goal would be to change the formatting so the information is easier to use…
