From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

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Solution: Use Natural Language Understanding features

Solution: Use Natural Language Understanding features

From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

Solution: Use Natural Language Understanding features

For this challenge, I looked at the sample that was on that link that I gave for the documentation. So here we have a cURL command, and I copied it to the buffer and went over into a terminal window and pasted that in. Now as before, we need the correct URL and API key. So I go over to the API key and go back over to the browser and into our service, and grab the API key and put it into the terminal window. We also need the URL, so I'll go there and go back into the browser again and copy the URL. And back to the terminal screen and replace that out. Now, it looks like it's using a "parameters" JSON file, but let's just send along with the request the parameters directly. And we can also find that in the browser. So if we go back to the help we've got example parameters. So I'm going to copy those. And in the terminal, instead of going to our parameters JSON file, I'm going to put in some single quotes. And in that single quote I'll paste in what it gave us. I'll get rid of these…
