From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

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Prepare Android and iOS apps to consume non-SSL endpoints

Prepare Android and iOS apps to consume non-SSL endpoints

From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

Prepare Android and iOS apps to consume non-SSL endpoints

The final Azure service you want to tie into is our custom model. If you remember, we set up the endpoint as plain HTTP. As we did not have a certificate, we will need to modify both the Android and iOS apps to allow this. For Android, we're going to create an XML resource. So we'll go under Platforms and Android, and then under the Resources folder we're going to create a new folder and we'll call it "xml". And this should be all lowercase, just like that. And then we'll create a new file in the folder and it will be called "security_config". And this is an XML file. So we'll put the standard XML header on it: 'xml version = "1.0"'. Now if you already have an XML file, which we do right here with colors, I bet you we can get this right like that. So I'm going to be lazy and this will hopefully stop us from making some possible typos. And then we want to add in a node for network security configuration. And we also want a closing node for that. And we'll add inside that a domain…
