From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

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Machine learning vs. deep learning vs. generative AI

Machine learning vs. deep learning vs. generative AI

From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

Machine learning vs. deep learning vs. generative AI

We've talked about the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning, but what about deep learning? Like machine learning being a type of artificial intelligence, deep learning is a type of machine learning. Deep learning is a type of machine learning that mimics how the brain works, using neural networks to create its algorithm. Neural networks are divided into layers, each layer having a configurable number of neurons. We start with our training data, with it being labeled, and the results we are looking for. The image pixels are then fed into the input layer in a dense network. The value of each neuron is modified by something called an activation layer, and then each neuron is mapped to each neuron in the following layer. This continues layer after layer until the last output layer is reached. In this case, answering the question if this picture is that of a cat or not. If that is the difference between plain machine learning and how deep learning operates, what…
