From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications
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Install the SDK in a mobile app
From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications
Install the SDK in a mobile app
Like Watson, we can add some NuGet packages to make communication from the C# applications with our services relatively easy. While Microsoft does offer NuGet packages for a lot of services, they don't for all models you can create in Azure. For those, we can use other communication methods such as REST. While REST APIs and other communication technologies are effective, they are usually not as easy as using the NuGet packages. In the start branch for this video, there's a folder for our Azure MAUI project, and we're going to open that up. So we'll click Open right here and we'll go out to linkedin. And we've got our Desktop. And here's our MLInMobile project, and our AzureMauiProject. And we'll press Open. And we'll just say Yes to this question about the Git repository and open it up. It will take a couple of minutes for Visual Studio Code to go through all the different platforms, such as Android and iOS. Once it's done, we can add in our NuGet packages. So I'm going to go to the…
Azure Machine Learning overview3m 12s
Language Understanding: Setup2m 51s
Language Understanding: Using Language Studio5m 10s
Language Understanding: Train, deploy, and test2m 19s
Custom Vision: Setup5m 33s
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Setup3m 13s
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Create a model2m 16s
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Deploy and test a model4m 8s
Install the SDK in a mobile app2m 33s
Tie to Language Understanding7m 21s
Tie to Custom Vision7m 22s
Prepare Android and iOS apps to consume non-SSL endpoints6m 34s
Tie to the Azure Machine Learning Studio model7m
Running the app2m 32s
Challenge: Create a custom Language Understanding model2m 39s
Solution: Create a custom Language Understanding model4m 10s