From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

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Different philosophies of the vendors

Different philosophies of the vendors

There are many different machine learning options and frameworks in one form or another. As a developer that is new to machine learning, you might be lost as to what offering might be right for you. It is well and good to know if they do the type of machine learning you want, but that's not all you need to know. There are several other things that you should consider. First and foremost being who are the products designed to be used by? Some options make tools that are primarily geared towards data scientists. These tools tend to require heavy use of Python and R, and also require deep knowledge of the different machine learning frameworks. An example of this type of tool is using TensorFlow and Google's Cloud Platform, or scikit-learn. Other options are geared primarily towards developers. These options do not always allow for the creation of custom models, and if they do, they're usually easy to use, but may not be as capable of doing everything you want to do. An example of this…
