From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

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Core ML: Create a regression model

Core ML: Create a regression model

The final model type we're going to work with is a regression to predict our Boston home prices. So once again we're going to go up to File and New Project, and the template we want to select is a Tabular Regression. We'll press nNext and we'll call it "LinkedInPricePrediction", and we'll do Next, and we'll save this in the coreMLTraining folder. Like the last two examples, we are presented with a very similar screen to what we had before. For this, we're going to look at our coreMLCollateral folder and look for BostonHousing and add that to the training data. So here we go. So here is BostonHousing and we'll press Open. We get a message that "no target is selected". This means that it doesn't know what column we want to predict. You see, in the center of the screen there is a dropdown for Target. We'll click on that and select "median_value_in_thousands". It is important to note that it is getting the column labels from the first row in the csv file. In limitation of Core ML, and…
