From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

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Core ML: Create a natural language model

Core ML: Create a natural language model

From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

Core ML: Create a natural language model

We are going to start by creating some models using Xcode in the Create ML tool. And if you have the start code for this chapter, go into the folder and you'll see there's two new folders for "coreMLCollateral" and "coreMLMauiProject". I'm going to create a new folder and I'll call it "coreMLTraining". And press Return. And I'll close that back up. And now we can get into the Core ML tool by going to Xcode and then Xcode on the menu, Open Developer Tool, and Create ML. It might be unexpected, but the only interface that comes up is a Finder window. We either need to open an existing Core ML project or create a new one, and we're going to create a new one. So I'm going to go out to the coreMLTraining folder that we just created, and click on it and click New Document. We now have a window with all the different types of models we can create. The Core ML project is very easy to use. We want text classification. We're going to click right here and then press Next. Now it asks us for the…
