From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

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Azure Machine Learning overview

Azure Machine Learning overview

Microsoft's Azure is another full-service machine learning offering that tries to have something for everyone. From those who have never used machine learning and need something extremely simple, to more traditional R- and Python-based model creation for data scientists. Azure is a cloud offering, and as such, the Azure Machine Learning products are primarily server side. While some of the products have the ability to export models for client-side use, those scenarios don't always have first-class support. There is support for a wide variety of formats, tools, and platforms. The offerings work with REST services, and client libraries work on most platforms. Typical Azure fashion, there is a wide variety of services and they change frequently. It can be difficult to know what services to use and how to get started. Here are a few that we should know. First is what used to be known as Cognitive Services, but is now under the brand category of Azure AI services. This is a set of…
