From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

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Authenticating against a deployed model

Authenticating against a deployed model

From the course: Machine Learning in Mobile Applications

Authenticating against a deployed model

It may seem like we are done with our model deployed, but we will still not be able to call it unless we have the proper authentication. To do that, we need to give ourselves an API key. And I'm going to open up a new tab, and we're going to go out to a site for that that's And here we see a spot where we have IBM Cloud API keys. So we can create a new one. And I'm going to give it a name and we'll call it "LinkedIn Service Access" and press Create. Now the API key has been created. And this is really important. This is our only chance to copy the created API key. And if we lose this we're going to have to create a new one. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy it, and I'm going to put it in a text editor off to the side here so that I have access to it again once I leave this screen. And now we can close this tab when we're done. And with our API key in hand, we can now actually try this out and see if we can call this from outside the test harness…
