From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

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Test data integrity by creating a basic visual

Test data integrity by creating a basic visual - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

Test data integrity by creating a basic visual

- [Instructor] Once Google Looker Studio has connected with data, it can be a little bit difficult to tell what's going on. So before we do anything else, let's actually create a very basic visual, say the world's total population by year. Off to the right here, you'll see a list of fields from the world population data that you've connected with. I'm thinking that a column chart might be a really good place to start. So let's go ahead and click on Add a Chart, and I'm going to select this very basic column chart here, and just drop it somewhere around here. I'm going to resize it as well. Okay, Google Looker Studio has had a go at guessing what fields we might want to see in this chart but on this occasion, they haven't guessed correctly. So let's actually drag the year field here and drop it over country as the dimension, and this will replace it. Next, let's drag the population field and drop it over record count as our…
