From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

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Tailor your report using advanced formatting

Tailor your report using advanced formatting - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

Tailor your report using advanced formatting

- [Instructor] I want to spend just a few moments talking about formatting. If you're like me and you love working with data and analytics, then formatting may not seem like the most exciting part of your work. But spending just a few minutes on polishing your project can make a world of difference when it comes to impressing your stakeholders. What you're looking at here is a completed Google Looker Studio report showing world population stats between 2005 and 2014. We have a summary page here that provides some high level reports across our aggregated data, and we have a more detailed country specific page that shows some more nuanced visualizations for specific countries. This looks really good to me but I think we can make it even more appealing. Start by making sure you are in edit mode. And the first thing I want to do is remove values from displaying in the filter because I think it causes confusion given…
