From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

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Protect your work by managing permissions

Protect your work by managing permissions - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

Protect your work by managing permissions

- [Instructor] If you've been collaborating for a while, you may have lost track of who has and doesn't have access to your work. Luckily, with Google Data Studio, it's super easy to review this and update the permissions as necessary. So with your Google Looker Studio project open, go ahead and click on Share. And on this occasion, you want to select this option here called Manage Access. And here you'll see a list of folks who have access to your work. If there's a specific individual whose access you want to update, simply click on the dropdown box next to their name and toggle the options here. So for example, if you want to remove access for this particular user, simply click on Remove, and go ahead and click on Save, and the access has been updated instantaneously. You'll also notice that I don't have link sharing set up, it's turned off. Link sharing can be a little bit risky, but let's go ahead and check…
