From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

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Merge data sources together using Blend Data

Merge data sources together using Blend Data - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

Merge data sources together using Blend Data

- [Instructor] Sometimes when working with data, there's a particular lens or view that you're seeking that just doesn't exist in your source data. What you're looking at here is a pie chart with a year filter. You'll notice that the countries with the largest nine populations, for 2014 that is, are displayed, with the rest grouped under this category called Others. In fact, 43% of the world's population fall into this category. Now, with 215 odd countries in our source data, this doesn't really help much. I reckon that this pie chart being updated, showing the data grouped by continent instead of country would be much more insightful. But if we go to edit mode, and then look at the fields in our data set, you'll see that a continent field just doesn't exist. However, it just so happens that I have a separate data set that maps countries to continents. This is where blend data comes to the fore. With blend data, we can…
