From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

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Enhance your report using responsive filters

Enhance your report using responsive filters - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

Enhance your report using responsive filters

- [Instructor] Now, you may already be comfortable with adding filters to your charts but we need to make sure that they're set up correctly, otherwise we might have visualizations updating that we don't want to, or vice versa. Make sure that you're on the country level page here, and before we do anything else, let's make the width of our title a little bit smaller so we can create some space for a filter just here. Let's actually click in the blank space, then go ahead and select Add a Control. And the one that we want is a dropdown list. And I'm just going to position it at the very top right-hand side of the reporting canvas and I'm also going to resize it. Google Looker Studio has correctly predicted that we want country as the dimension that we filter on. Excellent. Let's actually put this to the test. Go ahead and click on view mode and click on the dropdown next to country. And let's say that we want to select…
