From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

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Enhance visualizations using controls

Enhance visualizations using controls - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

Enhance visualizations using controls

- [Instructor] Google Looker Studio is packed full of modeling tools. Modeling tools are essentially functions and features that enhance the interface or usability of charts. In Google Data Studio, these are known as controls and you'll find them here under the Insert menu. There's quite a few that you can see but the one that we want to start with is the dropdown list. A dropdown list is essentially a way of applying a filter to the data that sits behind a chart. Now I'm going to place it just here to the top right-hand side of the chart, but note that this is really easy to reposition at any stage. Now when you go ahead and add a dropdown, Google Looker Studio will try and guess which field we want to filter by. On this occasion, it hasn't guessed correctly. I actually want this to be a country filter instead of a year filter. Luckily, this is really easy to fix. All we need to do is drag the country field here and…
