From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

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Become familiar with the Looker Studio interface

Become familiar with the Looker Studio interface - Google Data Studio Tutorial

From the course: Looker Studio for Beginners

Become familiar with the Looker Studio interface

- [Instructor] You're probably itching to race off and produce interactive charts, but let's just pause for a moment and take some time to understand the Google Looker Studio interface. From the Google Looker Studio home screen, let's go ahead and click on Create and then click on Report. At this stage, you'll be prompted to connect with data. This is something that we'll actually come back to in a moment, but for now I actually just want to spend some time explaining the interface. So let's go ahead and click on the cross here and you'll be taken to the Google Looker Studio Reporting Canvas. This is where we'll be creating and enhancing our visuals. We have menus at the top here. This allows us to apply different features to our visualizations. You'll notice that most of them are grayed out at the moment. This is simply because we don't have any data yet. Let's click on the cross once more. The View button at the top…
