From the course: Localization for Developers

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Testing your localization

Testing your localization

- Now that your principal localization efforts are completed let's talk about testing your product before you launch it in any new markets. This testing process can be divided into two sections: Locale Testing and Functional Testing. The goals of Locale Testing are to make sure that the localized strings and media files are displaying correctly. That the interface doesn't have any issues with content run-over. That the language itself is correct and appropriate. That the locale-specific settings are behaving properly. And that the product itself isn't going to be misinterpreted by the end user. Ideally you'll want the language testing to be done by someone with as many of the following qualifications as you can: You want someone who is native. Now, do you really need a native? I'm going to say yes, whenever you can. The ideal tester should have years and years of fluent day-to-day use of the language in a wide variety of settings. A large part of what they're doing is making sure that…
