From the course: Learning Webflow (2023)

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Challenge: Create the footer

Challenge: Create the footer - Webflow Tutorial

From the course: Learning Webflow (2023)

Challenge: Create the footer

(techy robotic music) - [Narrator] We're almost done with the homepage. So it's time for a challenge and I challenge you to create a footer for the website that we've been building so far. In your exercise files, you'll find this document that walks you through exactly what you should do in order to create that footer. So first of all, you're going to choose a box whether that's a container, a section, a column, a grid, whatever it is, and you're going to configure that box to match the rest of the page. And I suggest that you give it a black background with white text and center the text. So how do we get it to match the rest of the page? It's probably got to be the same width, so that might be something to look at. Then you're going to experiment with the rich text element when configuring the footer's text. You'll see the rich text element inside of the elements. You can add one of those. Look for the rich text element.…
