From the course: Learning Terraform

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Setting up AWS for Terraform

Setting up AWS for Terraform - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Learning Terraform

Setting up AWS for Terraform

- [Instructor] We'll need to set up an AWS account for use with Terraform. I'm going to move quickly through this since this course is primarily focused on Terraform and not on AWS. If you'd like more depth on AWS itself, there is a lot of good content in the LinkedIn Learning Library. I'm going to assume you've already got an AWS account. If you don't, just pause the video and go to and go through the sign-up steps. It's fairly straightforward. Then log into your AWS account and go to the search bar at the top and type IAM. And then click on IAM that comes up here under Services. We're going to be creating a user with credentials that Terraform can use. So click on Users and then Add users. So we can name our user terraform, and make sure you leave this box unchecked. We won't need access to the AWS Console. This will just be a programmatic user. So we'll click Next. Now, we'll need to grant…
