From the course: Learning Terraform

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First Terraform run

First Terraform run - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Learning Terraform

First Terraform run

- [Instructor] In the last video, we ran Terraform plan but didn't apply the changes. Applying changes will accrue some costs in your AWS account. For this particular code, the cost would be around $5 a month. So we'll go ahead and scroll down and click Confirm and Apply. This shows us one of the very helpful features of Terraform Cloud compared to the command line tool. It's a place to record who applied changes and why. Feel free to add comments as you go to remind yourself, but I'll be skipping it for the sake of time, so I'll just click Confirm Plan. At this point, we still have a moment to cancel the run. Personally, I love features like this because for some reason the moment after I click the button is when I'm most likely to realize I made a mistake. Terraform should complete fairly quickly, but it may take a bit longer for the instance to boot in AWS. I'll open up the AWS web interface and see what we've got. To view the instance, we click on EC2 or go up to the menu here and…
