From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Taking notes with the Cornell system

Taking notes with the Cornell system

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Taking notes with the Cornell system

- Taking notes during a lecture can be a challenge, especially if your instructor is going through a lot of detailed information at a very rapid pace. If you need to keep up with all this information, you may want to consider taking notes using the Cornell system. The Cornell system is a note-taking method, developed in the 1950s, by Walter Pauk, Professor of Education at Cornell University. It was specifically developed for college students, and it helps you organize your notes into two unique columns of information. Start by drawing a horizontal line, about four to six lines from the bottom of your page, then draw a vertical line, about two inches from the left side of your page. The left-side column will be the area where you review the main points and test yourself. On the right-side column, which is larger, you'll add your lecture notes. The bottom part of your page will be where you summarize the information. Next, you'll want to add the course name and date on the top…
