From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Solution 2: Create a memory palace

Solution 2: Create a memory palace

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Solution 2: Create a memory palace

- How did you do on the memory palace challenge? The goal of this challenge was to create a memory palace that contained 10 sequential locations. Here's my list of locations, and the grocery list. The first location of my memory palace was the mailbox, and number one on the list is soap. Now, because my mailbox is outside and it's always getting dirty, I'm going to imagine soap bubbles just overflowing from the mailbox, keeping it nice and clean. That'll be enough for me to remember that the first item on my list is soap. The second location of my memory palace is dogs, because, whenever I come home, I'm usually greeted by my two dogs. Since I had to remember bananas for number two, I'm going to imagine my dogs holding bananas in their mouths. The third location in my memory palace is the closet where I usually hang my jacket and put my shoes. The third thing on the list is avocados, so I'm going to imagine a giant avocado in the middle of my closet. If you're doing this on your own…
