From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Creating a study plan

Creating a study plan

- In this video we're going to cover test preparation tips and how you can create a study plan to help you score well on your exams. To ensure that you're studying effectively, one of the most important things you can do is find out when you're most productive and alert. For some people this might be the early morning. For others, it might be the middle of the day or the afternoon. And some people find that they focus best in the evening or at night. You need to figure out what works best for you so you can dedicate that time to study. If you need to study at various points of the day, choose to tackle the most difficult content at the time where you're most focused. Where you study is also important. Ideally, you'll be able to find a place where you can limit distractions. I know this is easier said than done, but your environment can make a big difference in how effective you are at studying. I grew up in a household with five brothers. And in high school it wasn't always easy to…
