From the course: Learning SAP SD (Sales and Distribution)

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Sales process overview

Sales process overview

- [Instructor] Sales is the process most crucial to the success of many companies. Let's look at an overview of a typical sales process in SAP. The sales process in SAP is broken into presales activities and sales activities. There are two major presales functions. First is an inquiry. An inquiry records the material and the quantity needed by a perspective customer. It's important to note that inquiries are used more for recording purposes and they are not legally binding. The other presale function is a quotation. Quotations are legally binding documents and offer the terms of the sale to a customer. Terms include the details of the product or service, the quantity, projected delivery dates and the price. Quotations can be created with reference to inquiries but reference is not required. Next we have sales activities. The first and most common sales document is a sales order. A sales order is a contract between the company and a customer. The sales order records the products and…
