From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Working with sheets

Working with sheets - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Working with sheets

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to discuss sheets. So I'm back here in the sample architectural model. And in fact, the default view of this sample model is a sheet. It's the cover sheet for the document set. Now, sheets are a very common fixture of any architectural project and they often include title blocks. And those title blocks contain information about the project and we use them to organize the various views that we place upon our sheets. So let's first explore this cover sheet just a little bit. There are no live views here. So everything you see on this cover sheet is in fact a raster image. So if you watched the video where we imported a raster image, this is an example of that. So every one of these is a raster image that's been placed, including the rendering of the building here, which was generated in Twinmotion and saved as a PNG file. The other feature about this cover sheet which is worthy of note is it uses its own custom title block here where the order of…
