From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Plotting a set of documents

Plotting a set of documents - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Plotting a set of documents

- [Instructor] In this video, let's discuss output. The most common forms of output for architectural document sets are either to print out a document set on a paper plotter or to generate a PDF. So for this video, I'm going to generate a PDF of some of the sheets in our project. Now if you watch the previous video, we walked through the sheet set for the Snowden Towers project. Just to remind you where that is, if we scroll down you can see the sheets branch here, and there were dozens of sheets included in this document set including the cover sheet that I'm looking at right now. So you can print any of those sheets but you can also print just the views. So if you wanted to open up a view like the level one floor plan and just simply print either it or a portion of it, you could just do that directly without a title block at all. So you know, if I'm talking to the cafe designer and we need to discuss something about the cafe, it might be easy to just generate a quick print from that…
