From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Navigating a project's views

Navigating a project's views - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Navigating a project's views

- When working in a graphical program like Revit, it's really important that you can navigate around your model efficiently. So often what we want to see won't fit comfortably on one screen and so we need to zoom in or zoom out or change the view on the screen. So I'm going to show you a number of ways that we can do that here in this video. Now to help us with that, I'm in the Snowdon Towers Architectural Model. If you're not sure how I've accessed this file, we've talked about it in earlier videos so I encourage you to go back and take a look at that and you can simply open up this model. It's one of the samples included with the software. So to get started here, I'm going to be focusing on the navigation bar which is over here on the far right of my screen. And let's focus on this little dropdown menu right here. Now, there are a number of zoom commands there and one of them will have a check mark next to it. In my case, that's zoom in region. So I'm going to start with that…
