From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Importing image and PDF files

Importing image and PDF files - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Importing image and PDF files

- [Instructor] Sometimes you'll receive design data in formats other than Revit's native format. And this can be in all sorts of formats. In the previous video, we looked at getting CAD files from AutoCAD, but maybe you've gotten an image file that was taken from a camera, or it might be a scan of an old drawing or something like that. So Revit supports many other file formats. And so in this video, I'm just in an empty file based on the default template. And I just wanted to show you really quickly how you can bring in a raster image. So I've got a scan that was created from an old floor plan and we're also going to bring in a PDF file, just so you can see the process of bringing in both of these kind of file types. So let's go to the insert tab and I'm going to go to the link image button here. And this file right here is called scan. And you can see that it is a PNG file. These are the file formats that are…
