From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Generating a cloud rendering

Generating a cloud rendering - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Generating a cloud rendering

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to talk about rendering. Now we're going to do a really quick rendering example. And if you're using the full version of Revit, you actually have a few different ways you can do this. There is the in-product rendering. There's cloud rendering, and there's Twinmotion. If you're using Revit LT, the only choice you have is cloud rendering. So what I'm going to do is, for this example, I'm going to use the cloud rendering feature because it's available in both products. But if you do have access to the full version of Revit, then when we're done, you might want to also try render and Twinmotion. Now I should point out that Twinmotion does require you to install the Twinmotion plugin, but it is free of charge. It's included with your Revit software. Okay. So let's do a cloud rendering. And to do so, we need a few things, generally, to create a rendering. You need a 3D view, you need lighting, and you need materials. Now I've got a 3D view open here…
