From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Editing in any view

Editing in any view - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Editing in any view

- [Instructor] One of the main advantages of working in a program like Revit or in the building information modeling paradigm in general is that there's this notion that we can make a modification in whatever view is convenient, knowing with confidence that the changes will be reflected elsewhere within the model in other views. So I'm going to do a few simple examples here in this video to illustrate that concept and kind of get you thinking that way. So let's make a really simple change to this model. I'm going to go up on the fifth floor plan. So L5 floor plan, let's double click that. And I'm going to zoom in over here in the office area, okay, where this empty office area is. And then I'm going to close the cover sheet that I have opened in the background. I don't need that open anymore. And then let's open one other view. I'm going to scroll down and locate under building elevations the north building elevation. Not…
