From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Dimensioning a plan

Dimensioning a plan - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Dimensioning a plan

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to revisit dimensions. Now, previously when we looked at dimensions we were using them as a modeling tool, and they are certainly very useful for that purpose. But in this video, we want to focus on them as a documentation tool. So I've got a floor plan open from our sample model, and it already includes some dimensions. And what I'm going to do is delete these and recreate them. So I'm just going to start up here somewhere between grids three and four and make a little crossing selection like so. Over here it should say Dimensions 4. And then I will simply press the Delete key to remove those. Once I've done that, now we're going to go about the process of recreating those dimensions, and I will share with you a few tips along the way. So the dimension tool is here, Aligned Dimension. It's the same one that we used previously. D + i is the shortcut. Now you may recall that there are some dropdown menus right here that control the behavior of…
