From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Customizing tags

Customizing tags

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to discuss what happens when you want to tag something and the tag you need is not currently loaded in the project. So you'll have two options in that case. You'll either need to load in a tag from a library or you'll need to create it. And we'll look at both options here in this video. So I am looking at the mezzanine dining on the second floor of the building here and there's a bunch of dining tables here and I would like to tag those for the restaurant. So let's go ahead and get started doing that. Now, we're going to use the same Tag by Category tool that we talked about in the previous video. It's here on the quick access toolbar or on the Annotate tab. And you may recall that when you hover over an element, the tag will start to appear and show you the information within that element. Now, many tags are already here, so it won't show a second tag. But, you know, if I hover over some walls, you're going to kind of see the general effect. Now…
