From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Customizing a schedule view

Customizing a schedule view - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Customizing a schedule view

- [Instructor] I want to continue talking about schedules just a little bit more in this video. And I want to focus on a scenario where perhaps we have a schedule like the one we created in the previous video, but we're only interested in some of the information that it displays. So for example, the furniture schedule that we created in the last video includes all of the furniture from the entire model, but maybe we're talking to our cafe owner and they're really only interested in the furniture in their space. So how would we deal with that? Now, I'm back in a fresh copy of the sample model here and you may be thinking, "Oh, well, great. Do I have to recreate that entire schedule all over again?" And that is certainly one option. But what I have here in the background is I have a really simple project file where I've placed a copy of the schedule. And I did this because I wanted you to see how easy it is to reuse a schedule from one project to another. So you might create a schedule…
