From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Creating enlarged views

Creating enlarged views - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Creating enlarged views

- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to show you how you can create callout views. Callouts are just enlarged portions of other views, and you can use them in floor plans, in elevations, or in sections. So there are some existing callouts already here in this project. So right here in this view that I'm in, you can see that we've got a callout here which is focused on the cafe. There's another one here that is focused on the residential lobby. So what we'll do is come over here to the east side of the building, and maybe up here at the top, I'll do a quick callout around these toilet rooms right here. So go to the view tab, and there's the callout tool, and there are two options, rectangle and sketch. We're going to do both of them in this video. So let's do rectangle first, and you just want to click a corner and then drag out and click an opposite corner and surround the area that you want to call out. Then…
