From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Color scheme diagram

Color scheme diagram - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Color scheme diagram

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to create a color-coded floor plan diagram. Now there are some examples of this already in this sample model. So let me start off by showing you one of those and then we will proceed to building our own. So here on the project browser, I'm going to scroll down to the Sheets branch, and then at the bottom of the list of sheets, there are some SD sheets. I'm going to double click to open up one of those, and this is an example of a color scheme. Notice that each of the spaces within the floor plan is shaded in in a different color, and there's a legend over here telling us what each of those colors means. Now I'm not going to do anything to this scheme, I'm just going to close it, and we're going to proceed to build our own. So I'm going to scroll back to the top of the project browser and I'm going to work in level three. So I'm going to right click L3, duplicate that view, and then choose Duplicate from the flyout menu. That creates a copy of…
