From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Annotation visibility

Annotation visibility - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Annotation visibility

- [Instructor] If you watched the previous video, the focus there was on visibility and graphic settings, but it was all focused around model elements. I wanted to spend a little time in this video talking about visibility as it pertains to non-model elements. Now, non-model elements have a few different names. They have a few descriptors that we often use in Revit. We sometimes refer to them as annotation. Sometimes we refer to them as detailing. Sometimes we refer to them as symbolic, okay? So there's a number of different words that are used to describe things in Revit that only occur within the current view. So yet another descriptor is view-specific. So let me explain that a little bit better. Model elements, things like walls, windows, doors, roofs, floors, stairs, these elements will display in any and all views in which they are, say, intersecting, right? So for example, I've got a wall right here, and I'm looking the third floor plan. If I double-click and open up the fourth…
