From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Adding lighting fixtures

Adding lighting fixtures - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Adding lighting fixtures

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to add some light fixtures to the office space that we added a ceiling to in the previous video. So for this example, I'm going to load in a new light fixture family. Now, I want to mention that there are some light fixture families already in this file, so you could work with those if you choose. But for this example, I'm going to load one in from Load Autodesk Family. So I'm going to go to Insert, Load Autodesk Family, and I'm simply going to browse to that light fixture. So it's in the lighting branch, and then under Architectural Internal, and then I'm going to just scroll down through all of these different light fixtures. And toward the bottom here is this Troffer Light 2x4 Parabolic. And that should work well in the situation that we have right here. So I'm going to load that family in. And then to place the light fixture, we're just going to use the standard component tool that we've already looked at in other videos. So as we've seen…
