From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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Adding a schedule view

Adding a schedule view - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

Adding a schedule view

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to discuss schedule views. Now, we've briefly looked at schedules previously, and there are several in this sample model, so if you want to see them, you can scroll down on the project browser to the Schedules and Quantities branch. There are some sub-branches. I'm going to expand Typical Schedule, and notice that there are several in here. So one of the ones we've looked at in the past is the Door schedule, and of course, you can see that that's a list of all of the doors in the model. Now, just what exactly is a schedule and how do you use it? Well, that's some of what I want to address here in this video, and I thought a good way to do that would be for us to just create our own schedule. So if you want to explore those schedules that are already in this project on your own, I encourage you to do that after we're done here, but let's go ahead and just create a new schedule. So a schedule is a live view of the model. It's a direct list of…
